Great Friday Memorial Bulletin

On Great and Holy Friday, as the Church commemorates the suffering, crucifixion, and burial of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Church anticipates the Resurrection of the Lord and those whom God will raise up – all your loved ones departed this life.

On this Great and Holy Friday (celebrated on May 3rd), the Antiochian Women of the Church will publish the Great Friday Memorial Bulletin commemorating the names of all your loved ones departed this life and who have fallen asleep in the Lord.

To have the names of your departed loved ones who have fallen asleep in the Lord included in the Great Friday Memorial Bulletin, please complete the form below no later than Sunday, April 28th.

Your departed loved ones, whose names you include below, will be remembered at the Holy Saturday morning Liturgy on Holy Saturday, May 4, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.

All proceeds of this Bulletin will benefit the Ministries of the Antiochian Women.