The Holy Eucharist (Eucharist means Thanksgiving), or Communion, gives us an opportunity to continue the memory of Christ’s passion and unite ourselves to Him. It is the Sacrament of Sacraments. For Jesus commanded: “Do this in memory of me.”
All Orthodox Christians are expected to take part in this experience on a regular basis. The Holy Communion is given every Sunday to those who have physically and spiritually prepared themselves to receive The Body and Blood of Christ. Unless a communicant is ill, he or she is expected to have abstained from any food or drink (including smoking, chewing, etc.) since midnight. Spiritually, they are also expected to have enacted the Sacrament of Confession; and have cleansed their soul and conscience by settling any and all disagreements and misunderstandings, or have at least made a sincere attempt to do so.
Although we welcome and encourage all Christians to pray and worship with us, only Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion. The sad chapters in our history that divided Christianity, continues to deprive us from sharing in the Last Supper. This lack of “the common cup” should be used as a reminder to us, and an incentive for all Christians of goodwill, to work together on reuniting us into One, Holy, Universal and Apostolic-driven Christian Church.