In an era where the concept of family and marriage is being diluted, it is refreshing to see the value the Orthodox Church places on the Sacrament of Marriage. It is not simply “until death do us part,” rather the Sacrament allows us to translate our human love into an unending Divine experience.
The wedding ceremony uses traditional symbolism to reinforce the necessity of God’s presence as a prerequisite to a successful marriage. Among the items used are Gold Crowns, symbolic of the new kingdom over which the couple will rule, as well as a reminder of the martyrdom and sacrifice that must be made by the husband and wife. You may bring your own crowns (if you prefer to keep them), or the church will provide them for your use. Two large candles are also used in the ceremony, which the couple needs to bring with them.
Marriage Preparation Classes are a prerequisite to the sacrament. It creates an opportunity to openly discuss with one of our clergy the responsibilities and the rewards of a “Christ-centered” marriage.
A Wedding Day is the most memorable for newlyweds. We at St. George want to help make it an enjoyable and inspirational experience. Please try to notify the pastor of the date as early as possible. Our Choir Director and Cantor are generally available, (please contact them directly if you’ll be needing them).